
New Portugal 2030 and PRR competitions

New competitions are open, don't miss this opportunity:
Until 12/30/2024: SICE - Productive Innovation - Other Territories and Low Density Territories

  • Initial investment of an innovative nature for the production of tradable and internationalizable goods and services with high national incorporation
< >Minimum eligible expenditure of €300,000Up to 60% - Non-refundable incentive 
Until 30-01-2025: SICE - Qualification of SMEs (Individual operations)
- Business training projects, through investment in the qualification and digitalization of business models and production offerings, supporting the adoption of more advanced business strategies, which favor the use of intangible competitiveness factors
- Minimum eligible expenditure of €200,000
- Up to 50% - Non-refundable incentive
Until 12/30/2024: SIID - Business R&D - Individual Operations - Other Territories and Low Density Territories
- Projects that integrate industrial research and experimental development activities, leading to the creation of new products, processes or services or the introduction of significant improvements to existing products, processes or services
- Minimum eligible expenditure of €150,000
- Up to 80% - Non-refundable incentive
Until 16-12-2024: Territorial-Based Incentive Systems (NUTS II - Algarve)
Until 31-12-2024: Territorial-Based Incentive Systems (NUTS II - Alentejo)
- Projects that promote the diversification of the regional production base, related to at least one of the following actions:
. Creation of micro and small businesses;
o Expansion or modernization of micro and small businesses
- Minimum eligible expenditure of €25,000 and a maximum investment of €250,000
- Up to 60% - Non-refundable incentive
Competition end date varies in each region: Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources (NUTS II - Alentejo, Centro, Algarve and Lisbon)
- Support for hiring highly qualified human resources
- SMEs can benefit from support in the form of a non-refundable incentive of 50% of salary costs for a maximum period of 36 months, for hiring graduates (qualification level 6), masters (qualification level 7), doctorates or postdoctoral degrees (qualification level 8).
New competitions will be published soon, pay attention to this information:
SICE - Internationalization of SMEs (Individual operations)
- Business training projects for SMEs for internationalization that allow them to enhance their export orientation, through the implementation of promotion and marketing actions, presence in international competitions and knowledge and access to new markets, valuing the increasing use of digital tools, through the use of technologies and processes associated with digital channels.
- Minimum eligible expense: to be defined
- Up to 50% - Non-refundable incentive
Territorial-Based Incentive Systems (NUTS II - Center and North)
- Projects that promote the diversification of the regional production base, related to at least one of the following actions:
. Creation of micro and small businesses;
. Expansion or modernization of micro and small businesses
- Minimum eligible expenditure of €25,000 and a maximum investment of €250,000
- Up to 60% - Non-refundable incentive
Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources (NUTS II - North)
- Support for hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources
- SMEs can benefit from support in the form of a non-refundable incentive of 50% of salary costs for a maximum period of 36 months, for hiring graduates (qualification level 6), masters (qualification level 7), doctorates or postdoctoral degrees (qualification level 8).
Coaching 4.0 - Support for the Digital Transition of SMEs
- PRR incentive, Recovery and Resilience Plan, which aims to support business models for the digital transition of SMEs, aims to encourage the integration of technology in companies by supporting the development of processes and organizational skills that drive the digital transformation of the Business model.
- There is €10,000 of support per company, with a 75% non-refundable incentive grant.

Please contact #STEAMSBS team.

Portugal 2030 PRR Qualification Inovation R&D Internationalization SME Non-reembolsable

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Training Incentives - Autonomous and Joint Projects

Applications for autonomous and joint projects - training of competitiveness clusters. Non-refundable financial support for training actions for workers in Portuguese companies. with the project completion deadline until 07-31-2023.

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Rua de Pedrouços, 37 – Armazém 5
1400-285 Lisboa
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7580-309 Alcácer do Sal
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